Our School Day
Start and End of the School Day
The school day for children is slightly different for children in Key Stage 1 and 2.
EYFS and Key Stage 1
Morning session 8:50am to 12:00pm
Afternoon session 1:00pm to 3:20pm
Lower Key Stage 2
Morning session 8:55am to 12:00pm
Afternoon session 1:00pm to 3:25pm
Upper Key Stage 2
Morning session 8:55am to 12:30pm
Afternoon session 1:30pm to 3:30pm
All children have a 15-minute morning break.
Our Key Stage 2 school gates are opened at 8:40am and Key Stage 1 school door opens at 8:40am. The door will close promptly at 8:50am and the gates will close promptly at 8:55am so that children are ready to start morning lessons at 9:00am
At the end of the school day the school gates are opened at 3.00pm. Parents and carers congregate on their child's playground and wait for the children to be dismissed from their classrooms.
School Lunches
School lunches are cooked on the school premises. A choice of a cooked meal or a filled baked potato is offered and a vegetarian option is always available. Most children stay for a school lunch while others bring a packed lunch. Very few children go home for lunch.