What is PPS STEM & Robotics?

PPS STEM and Robotics is our approach to learning and development that integrates areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. 


Through a range of STEM and robotics activities our children develop key skills including problem solving, creativity and teamworking. Our STEM offer is integrated into our School Improvement Plan with new experiences added each year.


Children also experience a range of possible future careers in the sector through our partnerships across a range of industries. We have recently joined the North East Local Enterprise Partnership to develop our careers offer across school.


Each year we host several events to celebrate the success of our competing teams, STEM learning and develop new industry partnerships. In Autumn Term we hosted a VEX robotics competition at Portobello to celebrate UN International Day of the Girl. Check out our event video that had over 8,000 comments, likes and interactions on social media.


STEM Video Links:

POTG EVENT2 - Made with Clipchamp 1.mp4

POTG EVENT 2024.mp4


Industry Partnerships
All of our events and competing teams are supported by our industry partners. We regularly visit KOMATSU EUROPE and are backed by CMYK Business Technology, Opencast and SMS Technology. Throughout the year we add to our partnerships with staff visiting school to deliver careers sessions and host us at their business headquarters.
 VEX Robotics

VEX Robotics is a construction system that teaches the fundamentals of STEM through fun, hands-on activities that help children perceive coding and engineering in a fun and positive way.

At Portobello we have developed a very successful VEXGO team that regularly compete at Nissan. This year we decided to create an all-girls team to promote female careers in the STEM industry. The girls won our event at Portobello in October and are now working hard on their new robot design. 
In Key Stage 1 we use VEX 123. VEX 123 enables our children to participate in coding and problem solving activities. We use VEX 123 at our STEM club that runs at various times throughout the academic year. All children also take part in Coding Mornings that we run with our Computing leader Mr Bone in school.
At the FIRST LEGO LEAGUE children work together to explore a given topic and to design, build and program an autonomous LEGO robot to solve a series of missions. FIRST LEGO LEAGUE is for young people aged 4 to16 years, working in teams of up to ten students with a supporting adult coach.
At Portobello we deliver FIRST LEGO LEAGUE sessions during golden time and compete in regional events at Nissan. Our offer is aimed at children from across school with opportunities to represent the school and our PPS STEM & Robotics brand.

 Want to get involved in PPS STEM & Robotics?     Please speak to your child's class teacher who will pass details on to Mr Bone and Mr Chipchase (STEM Leaders).    

Want to sponsor our brand?   

PPS STEM relies on donations of equipment, time and resources to support our teams, events and projects. Any offers of donations are greatly appreciated. In return we will share updates of your support on our social media platforms, newsletter and display company logos at our events. Our social media page has over 600 followers with regular updates shared.

*All business will receive regular shout outs on social media platforms and updates on the difference investments are making to our wider school community. 

Please contact Mrs Lister in the school office who will forward on your details to Mr Bone.