Sports Premium
What is the funding?
The government provides additional funding to improve the provision of physical education, physical activity and sport in primary schools. The funding is ring-fenced and therefore can only be spent on provision of physical education and school sport.
Schools must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of physical education and sport on offer. This means that schools should use the premium to:
- Develop or add to the physical education, physical activity and sport activities that our school already offers
- Make improvements that will benefit pupils joining the school in future years
How Portobello utilises the Sports premium funding
At Portobello, we have the responsibility to use the funding how we see fit in order to raise and develop the profile of physical education and sport in our school. Development of staff knowledge and confidence in the subject is also imperative.
The school ethos of “Creating Confidence, Empowering Excellence, Igniting Independence” creates a learning atmosphere that allows all children to learn and grow, regardless of ability. This is imperative within physical education and the development of the subject. In order to enhance physical education and school sport provision, we strive to make best use of resources and expertise in order to raise participation and achievement for all pupils.
- One form entry school
- Awarded School Games Gold mark 2017-18, 2018-19, Engagement award for 2019-20 due to covid 19 and School Games Gold mark for 2021-22
- Achieved Blazing the Trail Gold Award 2021-22 for cross-curricular links and activities
- Achieved Health and Wellbeing Bronze award for 2021-22
- Affiliated with Lord Lawson of Beamish Academy and work closely with SSP to organise cluster events for all children to take part in
- Committed and enthusiastic staff with a shared vision of leading healthy, active lifestyles and promoting a love for learning, physical activity and sport
- Staff who are honest when identifying areas for development and therefore willing to access further training in order to enhance confidence levels and improve quality of teaching in Physical Education
- Motivated children who share a love for learning, are eager to please and strive to do their best
Who/what was identified as the priority?
- Levels of confidence in staff to deliver high quality Physical Education lessons to increase quality and range of provision across the school
- To increase the range of activities available for all children to take part in
- Less active children were identified and invited to extra-curricular clubs
- To increase the amount and range of competitions for all children to take part in
- To increase percentage of children that can swim 25 metres by the end of Year 6 and therefore meet the National Standard
How were the priorities identified?
- Staff audits are carried out to identify key skills, confidence levels and gaps in knowledge.
- Pupil questionnaires are carried out in order to gather information about student interests and to give them some ownership over the type of activities that were made available in terms of clubs/competitions etc.
- Less active children were given the opportunity to discuss their interests and provide an insight to the type of extra-curricular club they would like to attend
- Looked at the range of sporting competitions entered in previous years and identified which new sports to try this year to give a broader range and therefore enable more pupils to participate
- Identified low percentage of children in Year 6 that are meeting the National Standard in swimming
Intended outcomes
- To heighten the profile of Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity and promote the importance of leading a healthy, active lifestyle with a sustained initiative
- A significant increase in participation levels of a wide range of children
- To provide a broad range of extra-curricular clubs to promote participation and inclusion
- Less active children identified were given personal invites to clubs they said they would be interested in
- An increase in confidence levels of staff to enable high quality physical education teaching across school
- An increased percentage of children leaving school with the ability to swim 25 metres
Provision put in place
- A range of staff CPD, working alongside coaches to observe and deliver a sequence of lessons
- A wider range of extra-curricular clubs provided
- Taster days for children in school to take part in
- Cluster events with Lord Lawson so that all children are taking part
- Improved playground provision to promote more active play times and lunchtimes with the introduction of play leaders from Year 6
- Altered swimming provision so that each class has a term of swimming to ensure consistency
- Already begun to take part in Sportsability competitions to enable more children and identified less active children to participate, promoting inclusion
- Wide range of extra-curricular activities organised with staff running clubs for additional experience and to raise confidence
- Success of active play times and lunch times with play leaders supporting younger children to access a range of games and developing their leadership skills equally