Mrs Humphrey
Head Teacher, Safeguarding Lead and SENCO

Miss West
Deputy Head Teacher, Deputy Safeguarding Lead, SENDCO and Year 2 Teacher

Mr Chipchase
Leader of Teaching and Learning, Deputy Safeguarding Lead and Year 6 Teacher

Mrs Lister
School Business Manager

Mrs Walker
Reception Teacher

Miss Pendleton
Year 1 Teacher

Miss Tindale
Year 3 Teacher

Miss Lowes
Year 4 Teacher

Mr Bone
Year 5 Teacher

Miss Fielding
Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Mrs Lillie
Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Mrs Morgan-Darnell
Teaching Assistant
Mrs Mitchell
Teaching Assistant

Mrs Wilson
Teaching Assistant

Miss Wyatt
Teaching Assistant

Mrs Duffy
Teaching Assistant

Mr Malia
Physical Education Teacher

Mr Nelson
Site Manager

Mrs Bradford
Breakfast Club and Lunchtime Supervisor

Mrs Johnson
Breakfast Club and Lunchtime Supervisor

Miss Best
Lunchtime Supervisor

Mrs Shields
Lunchtime Supervisor

Mrs Mawson
Lunchtime Supervisor

Mrs Monaghan
School Catering