School Uniform
The wearing of school uniform helps to create a sense of community. It gives children the opportunity to feel included and promotes equality. Besides being a practical, hardwearing solution to school wear. It also shows respect for the school and helps show the community at large the high standards we maintain at Portobello Primary School.
We request that the children wear the following uniform daily:
- red jumper or cardigan
- blue polo shirt or shirt
- grey shorts, trousers, skirt or dress
- plain black leggings
- blue summer dress
- black school shoes or plain black trainers
- hair bobble for long hair
- there is also a fleece and a waterproof coat that also carry the school logo which can be ordered through Emblematic although any waterproof/weatherproof coat is suitable
Pupils should not wear to jewellery school unless by exceptional agreement of the Governing Body due to religious grounds. Only one wrist watch is permitted; to keep all our children safe we have a no smart watch policy. We also ask that children do not come to school wearing false nails or make up and advise against nail varnish.
PE kits should be brought into school on a Monday. They will be sent home each Friday to be washed or ‘freshened up’
We request that the children wear the following PE kit:
- white t-shirt
- navy or black shorts
- sand shoes or suitable trainers
- hair bobble for long hair
- outdoor PE will require black or navy tracksuit bottoms and jumper
School Uniform with logo, to be ordered direct with Emblematic items can be delivered free of charge to school throughout the year or you can pay for delivery to your home address. Some chain stores/supermarkets sell the red/ sky blue items.
New/Existing Pupils - collection of orders from school for September start
Should you require items with school logo, for a September start or new items if your child is a current pupil Emblematic have a cut off date around 1st July annually - which then allows the company to process school orders and deliver to school over the summer period.
We believe that school uniform should be affordable. Our School Council and Rights Respecting organise pre-loved uniform swaps. If anyone has any problems acquiring uniform they can speak to Mrs Lister in the office.