Healthier Together

Healthier Together - Background and Context

The North East and North Cumbria Child Health and Wellbeing Network have developed the Healthier Together website and app to support work to reduce pressures experienced within the healthcare system. 

Healthier Together has been proven to contribute to reducing unnecessary attendances at A&E and has been valued by both staff and families alike as a platform to share information consistently across the whole healthcare system. The website can support education settings by giving parents and carers reliable advice on whether their child can safely attend school.

Get quick and reliable NHS advice about your children’s health this winter

Healthier Together is a locally-developed NHS resource, providing clear and reliable healthcare advice for parents and carers all in one place on a regional website and app. Healthier Together uses a simple ‘traffic light’ system based on the symptoms of common childhood illnesses and other conditions, and advises where and how to seek help if required.

Healthier Together can help you to make informed decisions about accessing the right local healthcare service for your baby or child. If you are unsure whether your child needs to be seen by a doctor, the easy-to-follow guidance on Healthier Together will ease worry and ensure you are signposted to the best service to provide help, such as a pharmacy or GP, or to self-care at home. You can also be reassured that if your child does need to be seen by a health professional urgently, you will be directed to the most appropriate local service.

If you are unsure whether your child should be attending school or their usual childcare setting during a period of illness, you can visit this page for advice on a range of common conditions. Healthier Together also uses Recite Me to translate the information into different languages and provides a range of accessibility tools.

The Healthier Together mobile app can be found in the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store so download it today ready to use when you might need it.

Healthier Together: what people say 

"This website is fantastic. I'm in a WhatsApp group with school mums who always ask questions about these things, and nobody knows the answer or where to go for it. Amazing resource"

"Brilliant! Simple, reassuring and helpful. Thank you"

"It's like a mini doctor for you at home. That's how it is, that's how I see it!"

Explore Healthier Together and download the app at and find us on Facebook for up to date health information this winter.